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【收藏备用】新人教必修1: Units1-5短文记单词


Welcome Unit

Bob graduated fromjunior high school, and now he is asenior high schoolstudent. Thisguyhas become my bestpartnerand we oftenexchangeandreviseour views. He is soanxioustoexplorenew things that he becomescuriousabout everythingon campus. He has anoutgoing personalityand alwayslooks forward tomaking a good impression oneveryone. Sometimes Boborganises lectures.He isconfidentand neverfrightenedby difficulties. He particularlyconcentrates onmakingexperimentsand likes totakes notesonflash cards. He has a simple lifestyleand a good learningstrategy.



Suppose you want to join acompanyor anorganisation. You should firstregisteryourpersonalinformation. You will be given aformalformdesignedby theirdesigner, and then fill in your name,sex(maleandfemale), age andnationality.At last, you fill in yourgoalsandstrategiesfor achieving them until you complete theregistration.What ifthey don't agree? Don't feelawkwardorannoyed. Justleave it alone.




Unit 1

Teenagelife is fullofadventuresandchallenges.Someteenagerslike to dovolunteerwork, and otherspreferextra-curricular movementssuch asorganising debates, studyingliterature,dancingballetandcleaning upthegreenhouses. But more peoplesign up foradvancedcoursessuitable fortheir taste.Actually, some teenagers feelconfusedin their youth, and theirbehavioursare sometimesconfusing. They feel there is agenerationgap between themselves andadults,soexpertsare trying to find asuitable solution.



Johnson is afreshman.Heissoattracted toChineseliteraturethat he hasquithis studies inChicagoand come to China.Obviously, with the help of his teacher, his Chinese has improved greatly and he can speakfluentChinese now. According to theschedule, he willgraduatenext year. He isfocusing onancient Chineseliteratureandisaddicted toTang poetry. Thetopicortitleof his researchcontentis “the differences between Eastern and Western literature”. Aneditorresponsible forthe research hasrecommendedsome classical Chineseliteratureto him.



Unit 2

Tian Hua is makingarrangementsfor a trip abroad. She will visitthe Eiffel Towerin France,Disneylandin the United States, the OldCastleinSpain,theAmazon rainforestin Brazil andLake Titicacain South America. But herdestinationis the sitethe Inca EmpireinPeru. She hasapplied foravisa. She has alsorentedsome outdoor clothes andpackedthem. She thinks it is anextremely amazingtrip. Tian Hua plans first tohikealong the countrypath, rather than travel by any type oftransport.Butother thanthat she will take an internationalflight. She will carry herpackage,credit cardsand a travelbrochurewith her.



Once a tourist who went on apackage tourlostcontactwith his group. He followed thenarrowflatvalley to thesourceof a river. Along the way he saw apowerfulwaterfall. Headmiredthe beautifulviewso much that he could nottake control ofhimself. In front of a bigstatuesomesoldierswereunearthingatomb.Buried in it was an ancientemperoraround 300 BC. The tourist wasamazedat theunique architecturedesigned by ancientarchitects.All thismade upanamazing sight.Notrecognizinghis way back, herequesteda localofficialto givedetailsof how to findaccommodation. He wanted tocheck inandcheckoutthree days later. Theofficialcommentedthat tourism was very helpful to the localeconomy.



Unit 3

As anathlete, I like all kinds of sports, such assoccer, boxing, badminton, skiing,andtrack and fieldsports likemarathonandjogging. I wonchampionshipsin many sportsevents. I got not onlymedalsfor myself, but alsohonourandgloryfor my country. Over the years, I have been inspired by the applause ofmillionsofaudience.Recently I have put on weight and I'm afraid my health willfall apart.So I will go on adietwithdeterminationand try to beslimandgraceful.I know that exercise anddietingwillmake a big differenceto one'sfitness.I dopush-upsevery day, and nevercutitout. I think itmakes senseto do so. Myfitnesshas improved a lotcompared withthe past. In addition, I have always been against cheating in sports, againstpretendingto fall, and tried to avoiderrorsin matches.



Richard is good atgymnasticsand is alegend.Now and then, he is seenworking outin agymorstadium. He nevergives uptrainingeven if / thoughhe isinjured. Meeting withfailureshe faces them bravelyrather than losing heart. Once, he took part in thegymnastics championship hostedby China tocompetewith the world'sgymnastics masters. In spite of his leginjuryand mentalstress, he had thedeterminationto become thechampion.Encouraged by hiscaptain, whocame alongwith him, he gathered all hisstrengthand finallymade it. No sweet without sweat. Heset a positive examplefor all theathletes.

Richard 擅长体操,是个传奇人物偶尔有人看到他在体育馆或者体育场健身即使受伤了,他也不会放弃训练。他勇敢地面对失败而不是灰心丧气。有一次,他参加了由中国主办体操锦标赛,与世界体操大师比赛。尽管腿部受伤,精神压力很大,他还是下定决心要成为冠军。在和他同来队长的鼓励下,他集中了所有的力量,最终成功了。不出汗就不甜。他为所有的运动员树立了正面的榜样


Unit 4

Today, naturaldisasters,such asfloods, droughts,landslides, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoesandtsunamis,oftenstriketowns and villages, causing humandeathsor greatdamageto people’s property. The most dangerous of them is thevolcanic eruption. An activevolcanocaneruptat any time. Its greatpowercanruincrops,destroyhouses and evenburyvillages. When a tsunami comes, thewavescancrashbuildings andsweep awaycrops. Experts say people should remaincalmin the face of anemergency.Experts also give asummaryof theeffectof some natural disasters. Although theyaffectpeople’s lives, the effect is not as serious as people imagine.



A great earthquake struck the city and everyone wasshocked. Ninetypercentof the buildings layin ruins,metal pipesandtaps cracked, andbrickscovered the ground. There were ruins everywhere. Many people weretrappedat home andsuffereda great deal. There was neitherelectricitynor water. It seemedas ifthe world were at an end. The government immediately organisedrescueteams toevacuatepeople and take the trapped survivors toshelters in the open air. Some doctors ran over withfirst aid kits on hand. Thehelicopters deliveredall kinds ofsuppliesand the ambulanceswhistledby. The PLA also came to their rescue. Thanks to theirunified effortsandwisdom, the city began tobreatheandrevive.



Unit 5

There are some differences invocabularybetween BrE and AmE. For example, the American English words "subway","gas","pants" and "apartment" are "underground", "petrol","trousers" and "flat" in British English. Each nation has its owntonguebut in mypoint of view, language changesrelate tothevarietyof politicalsystemsand civilizations of different countries, anddespitethese, there are otherfactors,too. Thegapsbetween languages will become smaller over time. Some languages candate back tothe earliestdynasty.Withups and downsof a nation, its language is constantly changing.No matter howlanguage develops, it is asymbolof a nation.


英国英语和美国英语在词汇上有所不同。例如,美式英语单词“subway”“gas”“pants”和“apartment”在英式英语中是“underground”“petrol”“ trousers”和“ flat”。每个国家都有自己的语言,但在我看来,语言的变化不同国家的政治制度和文明的多样性有关尽管如此,还有其他因素。随着时间的推移,语言之间的差距会越来越小。有些语言可以追溯到最早的朝代。一个国家的起起落落,其语言是不断变化的。无论语言如何发展,它都是一个民族的象征

Tom is anativeand English is hisnativelanguage. He can speak standard English as well as localdialect.In addition, he has studied Chinesecharactersand is good atcalligraphy. He has learned tocarveChinesecharacterson animalbonesandshells.He especiallyappreciates classicChinese literature andregardsit as hismajorresearch subject, so he tries everymeanstorefer to Chineseclassics based onancient Chinese culture andcivilisation.Tom cares aboutglobal affairsand has apositive attitudetowards life. In hissemesterpaper, he gives aspecific descriptionof man'sdemandandstruggleforequalrights.





