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本期考题:2024年7月6日雅思写作真题Task 2


Some people think individuals are more and more dependent on each other. Some people think individuals are more and more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.






The question of whetherindividuals are becoming more dependent on each other or increasingly independentis a subject of considerable debate.Some argue that modern society fosters greater interdependence due to technological advancements and globalization. Conversely, others perceive a trend towards self-reliance, driven by the rise of individualism and access to resources that promotepersonal autonomy. This essay will discuss both perspectives and present my own view.



改写题目 + 给出自己立场

The question of whetherxxx are becoming more dependent on each other or increasingly independentis a subject of considerable debate.

某个现象变得xxx 还是 xxx是一个值得讨论的问题。


personal autonomy


e.g. A huge portion of our lives involves the surrender of our freedom andpersonal autonomy.


Body Paragraph 1

Proponents of the view that individuals are more dependent on each other point to today's interconnected world. Globalization has interlinked economies and supply chains,necessitatinginternational cooperation. Furthermore, technological advancements in communication and social media have created networks where people share information, collaborate on projects, and seek support from peers and communities. For instance, platforms like LinkedIn exemplify how professional and technical collaboration across borders is nowcommonplace.





xxxx,necessitatinginternational cooperation.



commonplaceadj. 思空见惯的

e.g. Opera was commonplace in Italy for almost a thousand years before it became commercial as a venture.


Body Paragraph 2

On the other hand, there is a compelling argument that individuals are becoming more independent. The digital age hasempoweredpeoplewithtools to accomplish tasks that previously required assistance. Online education platforms, for instance, enable individuals to acquire new skills without attending traditional institutions. Additionally, theGig economyoffers opportunities for entrepreneurship and freelance work, allowing people to work independently and manage their own schedules. Such trends suggest a shift towards self-sufficiency, as individuals take control of their careers and personal development without relying heavily on others.





1.empowerv. 授权;赋能

e.g. You must delegate effectively and empower people to carry out their roles with your full support.


2.Gig economy



In my opinion, while there are elements of both increased dependence and independence, the trend leans more towards interdependence. The complexities of global challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and economic fluctuations require collective action and cooperation. Moreover, the very tools that enable individual autonomy, such as the internet and digital platforms, are themselves products ofcollaborative effortand shared infrastructure. Thus, even as individuals gain the capabilities to act independently, they remain part of an interconnected system that requires mutual support and cooperation.【自己的观点】




collaborative work协同工作

e.g. Support of collaborative work has become one of the most important database applications.




